7 Easy and Fun Chalkboard Ideas To Welcome Spring Into Your Home


Chalkboard art is a fun and cute way to welcome every season including spring. Families especially in the United States, Canada, and the UK always look up to ideas to welcome spring into their homes.

In this guide, I shared with you 7 easy, cute, and fun chalkboard Ideas to welcome spring to your home. 

Spring Chalkboard Ideas

I like this chalkboard idea from Carlycavanaugh. It represents a perfect DIY art to welcome Spring to your home. Looking at it, you could see the sun, and rosy flowers that represent the warm sunshine and rain that comes with spring.

You can draw inspiration from it and create some like it and use it to decorate your home during spring. All you need is cardboard paper, art chalk, and a frame. You can get them all on Amazon.

easy chalkboard ideas to welcome spring to your home

Letters and Dust made this spring chalkboard which also looks artistic and cute. She made it with chalk pens, which are opaque and suitable color options. I like how she made the “welcome” text look artistic. Adding this to a frame and hanging it at the entrance of your home will make sense and also add to the beauty of your home this spring season.

Spring Chalkboard Ideas

This is a cool spring chalkboard idea you can create and keep in your kitchen. The cookie confectionery created this and used as a wall decor for her kitchen during spring. Look at this art, you can see that she used a chalk pen, her creative handwriting, and her drawing skills to make this cute wall decor. 

Fun ways to welcome spring

Your children will love this type of spring chalkboard idea especially if you add their faces in it and hang it in the children’s bedroom. Stephanie Nash, a classroom teacher made this and I think it will be useful to you if you are also a classroom teacher looking for spring chalkboard ideas to make your pupils smile and add to the beauty of your classroom space. 

Spring Chalkboard Ideas

This is such a big spring chalkboard art from Laura Mudrich. It is a perfect example if you are looking for a spring chalkboard art to add to your large living space. From the image, you can see that the art is leaning on a wall in a large space that people can even take pictures with. 

Spring Chalkboard Ideas

If you love pets and can’t do without them when showing how artistic or creative you are, this type of spring chalkboard could be an inspiration. The thoughtful edit created this, and I’m thinking of having this type of simple and inspirational art in my bedroom. All you need is a fancy wood and chalk pen. Then apply your drawing and writing skills to have something like this. 

Spring Chalkboard Ideas

Instead of creating art for decoration, you can welcome the spring season by having a fun list of activities you want to accomplish. Jaclyn has already created one from what you can see above.

You can keep it in your bedroom, study room, or even your kitchen so you can look at it while you prepare your meal. This type of spring chalkboard fun list is easy to make. Once you have a chalkboard, all you need is a chalk pen to create artistic text on it. 

Any of the spring chalkboard ideas I shared with you here are cool and you can create them yourself at home as your DIY project. They don’t cost much and you can make them in a few minutes and hang them in your space.

Happy Spring !!! 

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